Yoga is free from Copyright, Patents, and Royalty:

Yoga is free from Copyright, Patents, and Royalty:

PM Modi Steers International Yoga Day Event At UN Headquarters:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the people who gathered to attend the Yoga Day events at the UN Headquarters lawn. He said, “We've gathered here at the meeting point of entire humanity. I am delighted to see you all and thank you all for coming. I am told that almost every nationality is represented here today. Yoga means to unite, so you are coming together is an expression of another form of Yoga"

“Yoga comes from India, it is an old tradition. Yoga is free from copyright, free from patents, and free from royalty. Yoga means to unite, so your coming here together is another form of yoga. We have gathered here at the UN, at the meeting point of the entire humanity" the PM said at the event.

Yoga Day is a call to stand up for humankind:

New York mayor says Yoga Day is a ‘call to stand up for humankind’. This International Yoga Day is a call for us to stand up for humankind across the globe and all living being. I am proud to be here & I am proud to represent this city symbolically. International Yoga Day is an international call that we will be a leader here in New York City as you are a leader in your own environments," said Eric Adams, Mayor of New York City

UNGA President Csaba Kőrösi seen accompanying PM Modi to the Yoga Day event:

UNGA President Csaba KÅ‘rösi was seen accompanying PM Narendra Modi to the UN headquarters Yoga Day Event. At the event, she said, “Yoga changes our physical performance but it can spark in us different mental and intellectual performance. I have been an admirer of Yoga. Our world needs balance and self-control. Yoga is one of the means of achieving this". 

PM Modi was seen arriving at UNHQ clad in all white for the Yoga Day Event:

PM Narendra Modi arrived at the UN Headquarters lawns in New York, to lead the Yoga event on the occasion of 9th International Yoga Day. The PM Modi-led event saw thousands queue up from 6am in the morning to attend the Yoga Day event. The event will see participation from UNGA President Csaba Korosi, and actor Richard Gere, among others. 

Also, Read:

*Celebration of international yoga day 2023:

*Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Trip to the US:

* Presence of aliens in ancient civilization:

* What will be the future of humankind with AI and robots?

* How Humans will look in the 22nd Century:

* Total type of Civilizations by the Kardashev scale:

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